領導趨勢 掌握機會
Deep Learning-Based Nuclear Morphometry Reveals an Independent Prognostic Factor in MCL
Deep neural network trained on gigapixel images improves lymph node metastasis detection
運用AI輔助診斷罕見腫瘤 實現精準醫療雲象科技共同研究登上國際權威期刊
Glomerular disease classification and lesion identification by machine learning
Stain Mix-Up: Unsupervised Domain Generalization for Histopathology Images
Hybrid Aggregation Network for Survival Analysis from Whole Slide Histopathological Images
Identification of nodal micrometastasis in colorectal cancer by deep learning on annotation-free WSI
Deep learning approach for automatic landmark detection in whole-spine lateral radiographs
Artificial Intelligence–Based Screening for Mycobacteria in Whole-Slide Images of Tissue Samples
An annotation-free whole-slide training approach to pathological classification of lung cancer types
aetherAI's new article publishing in Annals of Translational Medicine
Successful Identification of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma in Nasopharyngeal Biopsies Using Deep Learning
Deep Convolutional Neural Network-Based Positron Emission Tomography Analysis Predicts Esophageal Ca